As a kid I love playing in my Forts (which of course air forts with all my girls) but whether it was made of Air and a sheet as a dome, Wood roughly framed to collect more water and topple over on me or as I dug and went underground in the Dirt with my cousin by my side; we would arrange our vast armies of GI Joes and plan our attack to defeat the evil Cobra and Destro.



I still remember watching TV and  shooting at Aliens on TV with my plastic M16 (“V ” TV series and They Live Movie in the 80s).  Sure Laugh, I was saving the world. 

In elementary school the First thing my best friend and I did was start ordering martial arts equipment from  We ordered the silver smoke bombs, but unfortunately they were “out of stock”, so they sent some colorful balls with wicks as replacements.  I guess they felt they were a comparable replacement.  But as 3rd graders we were ecstatic to get anything in our hands to complement our Nunchucks.  PLUS we looked pretty bad ass in our Ninja Uniforms and Tabi’s!


Sho Kosugi in Ninja III:  The Donination – 1984

Playing in the Trails cops and robbers, BB gun wars to Paintball.  I liked war movies, not real war, of course and I was not much into horror movies, I was close to 18 when my sister and I watched the Nightmare on Elm street (1984).  Plus being raised in a catholic home we were “not allowed to watch R-rated Movies before the age of 18”; as it STRICKLY stated.  So for those said reason, yes I was close to 18.  I never did argue that fact after, because I think I had nightmares for weeks or even maybe months, damn you Freddie!  So went they curiosity for anything in the horror genre.

                     “Damn you Freddie!!”

With that said my first gateway zombie movie was Shaun of the Dead, it wasn’t that scary; it was funny and gory and well… started my zombie obsession.  

My zombie obsession turned into more zombie survival.  It was fun laying in bed thinking how to prepare and defeat the hordes of zombies, if that day or night would bust through my bedroom door would I have time to grab my bug out bag and BUG OUT?!

Then I got married… then I had a daughter… (then I had more daughters.  And of course more daughters and a son.)  But by that time, zombie survival turned into a more ‘real scenario’, then it was before?!  Yes, it is still fun to plot and collect my zombie survival gear… but shit! 

How can I protect my daughter/s, family? 

Trying to survive solo is one thing, but protecting your whole family is another!   Especially little kids who cry, whine, bitch, moan and complain and give away your stealthy, low key position deep underground, that took you months setting up in the wintery mountains deep in  the dark secluded woods with a water moot around it and barbwire?!!  How there is a water moot, around a fort, dug into the earth, in winter, in the woods… not sure, just go with me here.

That is were I am at now.  Where would we go?  What would we bring? How would we get there?  What better way to prepare your family for really anything!  With these times that are probably more unstable and uncertain then when I was being raised.  Prepping is become more mainstream then ever and if something happens… Hell not that ‘IF’ will ever happen in my lifetime but if it happens in there’s/Yours, well… maybe they will do DAD proud and kick some ass!

…and so comes my legacy that I hope all my kids will pass on to theirs, have fun but also don’t be ignorant to the things happening around you and better to have it and not need it; then need it and not have it.

So Zombie Camp and now…  ZARe


Also Coming Soon – 2023



Zombie Apocalyptic Response 


ZARe – Zombie Apocalyptic Response Equipment

Here is the checklist I have for now (2022)

  • Zombie Survival Guide
  • Survival Handbook
  • Tactical Helmet
  • Vest (Molle or Tactical)
  • Fingerless Gloves 
  • Steel Toed Boots
  • BDU Long Sleeve Shirt
  • BDU Pants
  • Molle Backpack
  • Survival Kit
  • First Aid Kit
  • Ninja/Samurai Sword
  • Sidearm
  • Long Rifle
  • Shotgun
  • Ammunition
  • CrossBow
  • Long Bow
  • Machete
  • Night Vision
  • MREs
  • Vehicle
  • Fort

What is our checklist called?  Glad you asked “ZAREC”

Z.ombie A.pocalyptic R.esponse E.quipment C.hecklist.


“V” TV Series – 1984


They Live – 1988


Shaun of the Dead – 2004



The Last Dragon – 1985                                                       The Last Electric Knight – 1986


So from here on out each year, despite if you get yourself something or not.  I, ‘dear old dad’ with get you each something that will help you succeed in life, family, kids and end times.  That way you can decide, How It Ends!

How It Ends – 2018